Light Fades Beyond the Horizon

To Whom It May Concern

For some considerable time, I have been living with a feeling that I can only describe as a candle going out inside.

The past couple of years, I have tried numerous things to alleviate this persistent melancholy, which has included moving to a different county, studying various courses, meditation, getting my driving license, changing jobs, regular exercise, dietary changes, vitamin supplements and yet nothing seems to help.

Every day feels like dragging around a giant rock. My body aches to the erosion of time.

I feel frayed and worn, and no longer dream.

I’m so tired; all I want to do is sleep.

When I do sleep, I have mostly nightmares born from bruises embedded deep within.

I feel utterly alone.  When I say ‘alone,’ I feel lonely around other people.  

Love is alien.

I have lost interest in things I used to enjoy. I want nothing to do with the world.

I read and study in solitude yet could not tell you what I have learned.

I struggle to concentrate, my head is mostly in a fog, and I feel awful about my inability to retain information.  

I feel like my mind does not work properly and that others look upon me as stupid, which is how I see myself.

I feel so much guilt and anger inside and I don’t know why. Everything pisses me off.

I feel a strong urge to harm myself. Most recently, I gave myself a black eye upon feeling the need to smash my fucking face in.

I am tired of failing in a life without purpose in a world that is empty, fake and meaningless perpetually at war.

I do not see a future in a culture of death, drunk on the pre-packaged merriness of phoney smiles.

It bewilders me to find such an existence can be seen as something to aspire to.

I previously tried medication and therapy; I learned neither have anything to do with health and well-being.

I have come to the conclusion there is no help and there is no point.

Dark clouds have amassed within; light has faded beyond the horizon.

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24-25 December 2023

© Percival Alexander