‘If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.’ ~ William Blake
I came of age in the ‘90s listening to everything from indie, grunge and dub reggae to Detroit techno, hip hop and drum ‘n’ bass. dub spectrum has developed over the years via numerous creative experiments and the DIY ethic of underground music remains influential to how I approach my work. Currently, the focus is on drawing, writing and photography.
Wandering solitary through nature, camera in hand, be it absorbing the myriad sounds of birdsong, the gentle breeze whistling through firs or the smell of the river in spring, bearing witness to the intuitive palette evolving through seasonal changes invites an opportunity to reconnect and be in the moment. I especially enjoy ambling various trails of semi-ancient woodland found on my native Dartmoor, itself steeped in myth and folklore (indeed, the paths winding up through Bridford Wood often evoke images of scenes from a fairy-tale!). I am drawn to a general sense of mystery, rooted in notions of the sublime and Jungian ideas of the numinous, considering the interplay of space, colour, form, light and shadow in landscapes as a potent metaphor to realise an essentially formless subject. An avid reader of Eastern philosophy, I find the idea of connectedness and being in the moment to establish an intriguing link between the intrinsic nature of the camera and traditional Chinese painting.
Despite embracing a technological medium, I find modernity in general fills me with a sense of despair – something of an English heritage in the creative arts from the Romantics, such as Blake and Wordsworth, to the dystopian fiction of Orwell and Huxley through to the lyrics of the Clash and the Smiths. I began writing under the alter ego Percival Alexander who initially embodied a punkish jaunt into the absurdities of our modern predicament in the form of blogs, short stories and poems. Anger and melancholy would lay the foundation for a deeper interest in a transformative experience, and I am currently exploring this through fiction and poetry (of which nature features significantly, hence the link to photography). Excerpts from my debut novel, Adrift in Amnesia, can be found here. Excerpts from my first book of poetry, The Cycle Diaries, can be found here.
truth is vibe.
dub spectrum